All change to our family routineĀ 

There has been a fair bit of change for our little family to contend with over recent weeks. As a result this is my first blog post in a long while, and the first opportunity I've had to reflect on the impact of those changes. From a personal point of view, I've taken on an… Continue reading All change to our family routineĀ 

Does my daughter not like her baby brother?

I turn away for one second and 'bang'. Here we go again. My one year old boy is flat on his back and screaming after crashing to the floor. His big sister seized her opportunity to stick the boot in, literally, and is looking up at me with her guilt-ridden eyes. I scoop the boy… Continue reading Does my daughter not like her baby brother?

12 months on since we completed the set

On Saturday my little boy turns one. If he'd gone full term we'd actually be celebrating this milestone next month, but like his big sister he was too impatient to wait around in mum's tummy. In fact, sibling rivalry had already kicked in with my son arriving one day earlier than the girl - four… Continue reading 12 months on since we completed the set